Nice, basic MIDI player! List view & m3u support would be helpful. ★★★★

There isn’t much to say, regarding the basic funtionality- it is clean and functions as described, as in, it plays MIDI files, so no complaints in that regard. 😄 The UI is intentionally simple and straighforward, but perhaps to a fault, in one particular way—Though you can drag-and-drop a folder, or multiple files, and they will play sequentially, there is no way to see which song/file is currently playing, how many files are enqueued, or view and adjust the order in which they play, short of manually renaming all files in a folder to a sequential numbering scheme. While I love the simplicity of this application, it would be extremely helpful, while working with collections of MIDI files, if a list view would appear below the transport controls, when multiple files are loaded. Ideally a playlist file could also be loaded and saved from this view (just a text file, containing an ordered list of files, with or without an absolute path).


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